Egg Donor Compensation: Let’s Get Real

How Much Should You Really Expect For Your Egg Donor Cycle?

So, you’ve seen the fertility clinic ad of a gorgeous model swimming in Amoudi Bay off the Grecian coast, the words ‘make 60k today’ plastered beneath her tanned figure. Or the donor egg bank promising that you can earn up to $48,000 being an egg donor. This can be pretty tempting. Maybe those ads lead you to a quick search about egg donation. You learn that you have to inject some hormones and go under anesthesia for a short procedure, and then you can cash the check — easy. But at Cloud9 Conception, we want to be as honest as possible about the (amazing) journey of egg donation, including transparency about compensation. So, let’s dig in.

There's no simple way to say this, so we’ll just come out with it: EGG DONATION IS NOT QUICK MONEY. Becoming eligible for egg donation involves multiple appointments — first with a physician, then a genetic counselor, then a therapist, then an attorney. If you're imagining blood donation where you fill out a questionnaire, sit down for a poke, then get rewarded immediately with a cookie… multiply that by 20; now, you’re thinking of egg donation. Sure, it’s a more time-consuming, involved process, but that’s why Cloud9 Conception is here — to provide support and friendship, check the boxes, and guide you through the steps. Because while it’s involved, it’s quite possibly one of the most spiritually rewarding journeys, ever!

Now look, we’re not saying that an egg donor has never made $48,000, $60,000 or even more from egg donation, but we’re going to help you read between the lines. The typical woman will make $5,000–8,000 for a donation cycle. That number can be influenced by multiple things, but it is still a pretty standard range. If a woman has an excellent egg donor cycle, she could potentially continue for 5 more cycles. Let’s calculate, 6 egg donor cycles at $8,000 each — now, you have $48,000 (and we would want that for you if it’s your goal!)! This type of commitment to egg donation cycles would require a minimum of a year and a half.

Or say you heard of a friend of a friend who earned $30,000 from a single egg donor cycle… Well, we can’t say that’s never happened. Usually, those women hold advanced degrees at elite universities. However, and this may sound yucky, that type of compensation isn’t typically considered ethical by the governing bodies for reproductive medicine in the US. There’s this little factor called ‘undue inducement’. Undue inducement is when someone is offered such a grand amount of money that it impacts their ability to make rational medical decisions and consider the risks involved. Many egg donor agencies and clinics are strict about setting ethical standards, but some slip through the cracks.

All in all, if you’re being offered anywhere between $5,000–8,000 for your egg donation cycle, you can trust that you’re hitting the mark for the average compensation range. With that extra money in your pocket, you can start investing in your long-term goals that may previously have been out of reach.


Egg Donation: A Personal Narrative