Creating friendships while building families.

  • Fertility Support, Designed for You

    At Cloud9 Conception, you are our main focus. Let’s discuss what traits you desire in a donor and provide you access to our database so you can begin your search for the wonderful woman who will help you on your journey.

  • Fresh Egg Donation

    Our egg donors are familiar with the IVF process and have all completed an orientation to confirm their comfort moving forward. What does this mean for you? Every egg donor profile you see has made the first step towards their commitment to assist you with your parenthood goals.

  • Understanding Limitations

    We understand the guidelines put in place by the FDA, who oversees all egg donation. Our egg donor applications are specifically worded to flag behaviors and family history that may not be approved by your doctor.

  • Quality Agency Services

    Cloud9 Conception complies with the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the Food and Drug Administration, and The Society of Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy. We are dedicated to providing you the assistance you need on this journey so that you can make informed decisions while growing your family.


Welcome to Cloud9 Conception — the fertility agency inspired by family, founded in community, and fueled by passion!

I would like to personally thank you for taking an interest in the mission of Cloud9 Conception, LLC. The journey of IVF is a personal and delicate process; I typically get to know you quite well — let’s make it mutual!

I studied for my bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Psychology in Ohio, specializing in Women’s Studies and Bonding Sciences. Shortly after graduation, I became a two-time egg donor — providing the most wonderful gifts possible and offering the fulfillment of parenthood through my donations.

I spent years developing a donor egg bank while overseeing the Third-Party Program at a state-of-the-art fertility institute, worked closely with a Donor ART concierge service, and created continuing education workshops for foster mothers throughout northern counties.

I was inspired by my sisters as well as my beautiful mother and grandmother, who have shown me the meaning of motherhood through generosity and compassion.

With 1 in 6 people worldwide struggling with infertility, I want to emphasize my commitment to assisting you in your parenthood goals.


Do you work with same sex male couples?

Absolutely. Cloud9 Conception takes pride in creating a safe space for all intended parents struggling with fertility barriers. We are strong supporters of the  LBGTQ community and would feel honored to be a part of your journey.

What's the difference between fresh and frozen donor eggs?

Frozen egg donations are typically small cohorts of eggs (~6) that are thawed for fertilization. An excellent starting point is determining how many children you would like to expand your family by. If you’re satisfied in your IVF cycle resulting in a single child, this may be more affordable.

Fresh egg donors will complete an egg retrieval cycle specifically for you, as their matched Intended Parents. All of the eggs collected (typically 10-20) can be used for your fertility treatment. Fresh egg donors often have a higher price tag, but are the best option if you’d like multiple children who are biologically related.

Is it a red flag if a donor has never been pregnant?

Keep in mind that egg donors are only accepted if they’re within a certain age range (typically in their 20s). Maybe she hasn’t begun building her family, maybe she doesn’t want children of her own. While it’s great for a donor to have a pregnancy history to put some confidence in your decision, the clinical workup will give us the best indication of an egg donor’s fertility health. You can read more about this under the ‘Intended Parents’ tab.

What role will Cloud9 Conception play in my fertility treatment?

 Cloud9 Conception will guide you through the matching process, support you throughout your cycle, facilitate communication between IPs (Intended Parents), egg donors, and your fertility clinic, coordinate travel plans and support personnel for your egg donor, and smooth out any other details. We aim to reduce the stress on you as you undertake this sometimes overwhelming journey. In terms of clinical decisions, we trust in the medical advice of your physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist, and will place all such matters in their capable hands.

Do you work with all fertility clinics?

We commit to establishing a working relationship with whichever clinic you choose. Keep in mind that at this time, many of our donors are located in Ohio and surrounding areas.

Looking for recommendations? We’re happy to put you in touch with fertility clinics following your initial consultation.

What's the best way to select our donor?

Choosing an egg donor can feel like a huge decision. To make it easier, we recommend making a list of preferred characteristics, from the most important to the least important. Some Intended Parents look for egg donors who are physically similar to the future mom, while others don’t mind deviations from physical appearance, as long as the donor is pursuing a college degree or shows professional success, for example.

Perhaps you’re hoping for a redhead who loves riding horses, a tall woman with a Master’s degree, a young entrepreneur, or a kind soul who volunteers with the homeless on the weekends. Or it could be that you’re open to anything, as long as the egg donor is fit and healthy. Whatever it may be, we’re happy to discuss any aspect of it with you—that’s what we’re here for! We encourage all intended moms to keep in mind that this is a very human experience, and there is no ‘perfect prototype’ egg donor, the female community comes from all backgrounds and families!

What an impactful message to all women in search of third party resources. Saying ‘you are enough’ while providing legitimate solutions on your pathway to motherhood…
this is what women need right now.
— Jennifer, Mother of 2